Every day a piece of history is destroyed

Every day farmland is razed for large cookie-cutter houses on small lots

Developers are getting rich, uniqueness is lost and open space is diminishing

Featured House:
5000+ sq ft Victorian

List of houses available
can be moved anywhere!

If you are against suburban sprawl and have a farm or large plot of land what will happen to it when you pass on?

It's likely your heirs will sell it to the highest bidder and it will be broken up into many plots. This causes more congestion and pollution. Sometimes the original house is made part of the development, often it is torn down


If you do, sell it to someone who will care for it and preserve it!

What happens if you become unable to care for your house and land? Can you afford to hire someone to do the upkeep?

If you do, do you have a lot of space and maybe more than one building that can be lived in? Let someone live there for the cost of the taxes perhaps, with the condition that they care for it for you. Better yet, sell it to someone who will preserve it - at a reasonable price - with the condition that you can live the remainder of your life there. Remember, they are not in this to make money when you are gone - they want it kept intact the same as you!

What happens if you become disabled and need to move into an assisted care facility? Often your assets are sold to help pay for your care. It's likely your land will be sold to developers and broken up.

If you don't care, then you are probably not interested in this site.

If you do care, if you are the 90 year old standing on your front porch with a shotgun to keep the developers away, then please look around here.

Sometimes we cannot stop "progress". If the town or state has decided to build a new road or widen an existing one, there is often nothing that can be done to prevent them from taking your property through eminent domain. They should pay the current market value of the property though! Sometimes you can negotiate with them, sometimes not.

Do you want to keep your house? You have options! Arrange to have it moved off your old property!

Maybe you've decided to move on altogether, new house, new land - leave it all behind. Don't let your home met the wrecking ball! Please contact me so I can post it here for others who want to save history.

Read how I became interested in house moving

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